Managing Your Account Pt. 2

SEO Details

Url Key: The details you enter in this field will determine the url string that will be displayed in your browser.


Meta Title: This is the  text that will displayed on search engine result pages and browser tabs to show the topic of the webpage.

Meta Keywords: This helps tell search engines what the topic of the page is. It's important to use the right keywords for discoverability purposes.

Meta Keywords: This helps tell search engines what the topic of the page is. It's important to use the right keywords for discoverability purposes.

Meta Description: This provides a brief summary of your webpage and gives the user an idea of the content that exists within the page.


In this field you can determine the maximum quantity a collector may purchase, if you have multiple copies of the artwork available for sale. 

Example: You have 5 total copies of a particular artwork in inventory. You desire to limit each collector to acquiring only 2 pieces max of this work. Once you select the proper configuration, the collector will only have the ability to acquire the 2 pieces at checkout.

Related Products

If applicable (that is, if you have multiple pieces of artwork listed), you may select Related Products. Customers will ba able to view Related Products in addition to the item the they are looking at.

Up-Sell and Cross-Sell Products – 

Cross-Sell Products

These "impulse-buy" products will appear next to the customer's shopping cart as cross-sells to the items they already have in the cart.

Once you have completed this step, if applicable, select the ‘Save’ button to save your listing.

My Products List

From the 'Actions' Drop Down Menu:

Delete: After selecting  from the product  list, you can delete a product(s) in bulk or individually.

Filters: By selecting the ‘Filters’ button, you will now have the option to filter the products list.

The Filtering Menu will appear and will display the many options available to filter your products.


The customer list displays every customer who has acquired artwork from your gallery, and their related details.


The customer list filtering button enables you to sort your list of customers in a variety of ways, to find specific customers and their related data.


The Transactions home screen appears as shown below.

The Transactions filtering feature enables you to filter all payments and withdrawal requests (Withdrawal requests are only used for Affirm Payments)

The Columns feature provides an additional way to view transactions.

In the Export feature, we provide two options to export your transactional reports, CSV and Excel XML.

To make a withdrawal request you simply click the orange ‘ Make a withdrawal’ button.


Our earnings tab allows you to view your earnings by  Day, Month and Year. By default you will land on the period for ‘Day’ earnings. 

You can change the ‘Period’ by selecting the field.

To get the earnings range, click the ‘From’ field. A calendar will display as shown below.

Next, click the ‘To’ field. A similar calendar will display as shown below.

Then, click the ‘Show Report’ button to view the desired results.

Manage Print PDF Header Info

Under this menu option, you can add the Invoice and Packing slip Address/Vat/Tax information. The information will then is visible in the header of the pdf files.


In this section, you can find all your reviews and ratings given by customers.

You can also check the price, value, quality ratings as well as the feed summary, feed review, and customer’s name. You will also be able to view the status of the review.

Selecting the ‘Filters’ button will enable you to filter the customer reviews.

The Columns feature gives you the ability to filter the columns and presents the customer reviews data in your desired view.

Advance Reporting

In this menu option, you can view your sales report according to categories or order status.

Selecting the Choose Categories drop down menu will provide you with the main Msanii HOUS categories for artwork.


Selecting the Order Status drop down will provide you with the available order status categories.


You can click the ‘Generate Reports’ to view sales and orders. Additionally, you can select the view by Day, Week, Month and Year.

** The time is base on UTC timezone